While the nation thought the release of Gandhi Mudzingwa, Kisimusi Dhlamini and Andrison Manyere on bail yesterday 13 May 2009 was a step in the right course, we shocked at news of human rights lawyer Alec Muchadehama’s arrest today 14 May 2009 at the Rotten Row Magistrate court. Muchadehama is being charged with obstructing the course of justice by allegedly conniving with judge smith to sign bail papers for political prisoners.
Muchadehama is a prominent human rights lawyer, who has worked with various human rights groups in Zimbabwe including ROHR Zimbabwe.
Gandhi Mudzingwa, Kisimusi Dhlamini and Andrison Manyere were released yesterday $1000 bail each. We celebrate their freedom although the bail conditions are a mockery to the whole judicial system which is apparently being used by ZANU PF to victims champions of human rights and people’s freedoms.
These latest developments are a disturbing. The move by the state is symptomatic of obvious deficits in political will within the Government to restore the rule of law and expand civil and political liberties as agreed in the Global Political Agreement.
Constitutional provisions that guarantee lawyers’ right to represent anyone without fear of prosecution or harassment should be respected at all times if the legal system is to be effectively reformed.
ROHR secretary General Tichanzii Gandanga says he condemns the arrests as this serves to show the insincerity of Zanu PF. Gandanga says the arrest means that the MDC has so far failed to influence change on issues of human rights in Zimbabwe. The reality of Zanu PF is what we see; the reality of Zanu PF is what it has done to Roy Bennett, Jestinah Mukoko, Gandhi Mudzingwa and all victims of political harassment and violence.
For more information, contact
Thomas Madhuku
Information and Communications Intern
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