19 July 2008
We as ROHR Zimbabwe, dismiss the outcome of the sham one-man election held on June 27 which was marred by State authored violence countrywide, intimidation, murders, abductions, economic plunder, rape and widespread internal displacements. Far from being a reflection of the will of the people, the June 27 sham election was a blue print of the Zanu PF strategy to retain power at all cost even if it meant loss of life.
We therefore reiterate our position that Robert Mugabe is not the legitimate president of Zimbabwe and that he earned his position at the negotiating table through unorthodox and insensitive means.
He used violence to have an edge over his contestant and then called for talks. This scenario is not peculiar to the current case. In the early 80s, Mugabe purged the supporters of PF ZAPU and the Ndebele people in order to cow them into submission. The negotiations that followed were a result of a desperate and worn out opposition in which huge concessions were granted, much to the detriment of the nation and democracy. Suffice to say PF ZAPU was swallowed in the process resulting in a defacto one party state with Robert Mugabe as life president.
In addition to orchestrating a violent war against the innocent and the defenseless citizens’, the Robert Mugabe regime and ZANU PF denied the dying and sick of food and medical relief from NGO’s and removed all of what remained of democratic space necessary for a credible election thus effectively driving the nation and opposition into submission.
In light of Mugabe’s deployment of violence and terror to earn his place at the negotiating table and his known history of deceitfulness; the weakened position of the opposition in which some of its leaders are either missing in hiding, facing spurious charges or still nursing fresh wounds and the exclusionary nature of the talks were civil society and other stake holders are not involved thereby turning the talks into an elitist form;
We believe that the people of Zimbabwe have a right to a legitimate government born out of the exercise of their right to choose in a free and fair environment.
We believe the continued suffering of Zimbabweans be it economically, socially and politically is needless and avoidable and that this calls for a holistic approach to the Zimbabwean question.
We believe that there is an urgent need for an all stakeholders platform to map the way forward for Zimbabweans. The people of Zimbabwe should not be alienated in deciding their destiny.
A civil rights campaign must be launched to empower the people of their rights and obligations as citizens of Zimbabwe.
The civil society and all stakeholders should demonstrate their displeasure with nature, scope and methodology to the current talks. Further we believe in the unfettered right of citizens to resist unjust laws and polices and their right to be heard as sacrosanct.
ROHR will continue to name and shame the perpetrators of violence .We will also continue to maintain a register at local level of violators of human rights to ensure that justice will be done one day.
As an option a transitional authority from all stakeholders including churches , trade unions, students etc should be established to overseer the creation of a new people driven constitution that guarantees respect for the rule of law, end to human rights violations and bring to justice all human rights violators.
Further the transitional authority should create a conducive environment in which free and fair elections can be held.
Zimbabwe belongs to Zimbabweans!!
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